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Brena Sheehy testifies on AB 2877 concerning AI in CA Assembly Privacy Committee. 

Brena Sheehy testifies on AB 2877 concerning Artificial Intelligence (AI) in California Assembly Privacy Committee Tuesday, April 23rd in Sacramento State Capitol.

 Artificial intelligence (AI) uses algorithms – sets of rules – to transform inputs into outputs. In order to function, AI tools first need to be trained. During this period of machine learning, an AI tool is exposed to data and allowed to explore its structure. Machine learning tools develop their algorithms automatically. The process of exposing a machine learning tool to data is known as “training.” The algorithm that a machine learning tool develops during training is known as its “model.”

There are clearly significant benefits but also great risks from AI products and services. Among the many risks, one of them is the potential to weaken or evade data privacy protections for minors. AB 2877 takes a simple but important step in ensuring that data collection through AI training models is aligned with the California Privacy Protection Act (CCPA). However, as AI becomes ever more present in our lives, we must be especially cautious about AI that is designed to primarily interact with children. Businesses can use children’s personal data to train AI without any safeguards and without the consent or even knowledge of the child or their parents.

 #caleg #cagov #ab2877