
Firm Updates and Announcements

Sacramento Capitol Changing Rapidly

Things are really changing quickly in Sacramento. Between the resignations, announcements of legislators not running for re-election, and termed out legislators, we have at least three dozen new members of the Legislature who will be arriving in Sacramento this January 2023 to start the new legislative cycle. In addition to the dozens of members stepping down and terming out, we have entirely new legislative districts now with major changes in boundary lines that are making big changes that make the political map in California look a lot different. It doesn’t change the fact that Democrats still outnumber Republicans in the state by 2 to 1, but it will make for new political alliances and some interesting intrigue in Sacramento as these new relationships are forged. And no more offices in the Capitol for the Governor and legislators as they have all been moved two blocks away into a new “swing space” as the 1950’s era capitol annex is being demolished and then rebuilt over the next four years. How does one stay on top of all these changes?

The Sheehy Strategy Group is tracking all of these shifts and moves and investing its resources and expanding its capabilities so that we can represent clients and communicate effectively with all of the new members of the Legislature as well as the Governor’s administration. We’re utilizing a full suite of digital advocacy tools to complement the traditional lobbying services that we’ve always provided. You can find out more about our digital advocacy lobbying capabilities here: Digital Advocacy Services — Sheehy Strategy Group.

 Need help dealing with California lawmakers or regulators? Contact us for a free consultation or for information on proposals to represent you.