SSG manages state government affairs and regulatory issues for clients in California state and local government, as well as other political bodies throughout the country. We offer over 25 years of lobbying, government affairs, digital advocacy, public contracting and issue management experience.
Direct legislative lobbying and bill tracking
Direct executive branch and regulatory lobbying
State budget lobbying
Business development and state contracting assistance
government affairs & Political consulting
digital advocacy services, content creation and social media management
Unique Skills
Procurement Services: As a Governor’s appointee and Secretary of the Government Operations Agency, Tom Sheehy directly oversaw $10 billion dollars in annual state procurement spend on contracts, goods, and services. Combined with his appointment as Chief Deputy Director at the Department of Finance and executive-level state budget experience, Tom helps clients win multi-million-dollar state and local government procurement contracts and expand public sector business relationships. He deciphers complex public contracting rules and regulations necessary for successful procurement campaigns. His strategic partnership with Eric Mandell, former state Chief of Acquisitions at Department of General Services, gives the Sheehy Strategy Group procurement team an advantage that other firms simply cannot match. Learn more …
Budget and state finance: Tom spent years working at the California Department of Finance as an analyst, Deputy Director and Chief Deputy Director. He directly advised multiple governors on how to solve difficult fiscal challenges during recessions and balance the state budget where multi-billion-dollar solutions were demanded. In the Legislature, Tom was widely respected as one of the top budget staffers where he advised senior leadership on appropriations and balancing the state budget. He has mastered the byzantine intricacies of the complex state budget and finance system and is well known by long-time budget staffers inside the governor’s office and legislature.
Final state budget decisions are made behind closed doors and Tom knows exactly how and when to intervene on behalf of clients to get their desired results. Whether obtaining larger appropriations or preventing budget cuts, Tom works with clients to ensure their strategic goals are met.
Strategy development: Because Tom spent so many years in multiple branches of government, and due to his extensive lobbying experience and contacts, he sees there are always alternative ways and methods of achieving public policy results. In consultation with the client, he develops effective strategies and tactics that will secure the desired outcome. Since Tom understands that “cookie-cutter” approaches to problems don’t often work in California politics and government he uses creativity to develop options that break through political gridlock and ensure client objectives are being satisfied or advanced. Historically, Tom’s strategies have helped numerous clients successfully navigate very challenging political minefields then pivot and win their policy objectives. If you are ever in a political fight in the State Capitol, the best strategy is to have Tom on your team.