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Digital Advocacy - The Future of Lobbying in California and Beyond

Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms have permanently changed how political advocacy gets done in California and around the nation. If you are going to influence the California Legislature, you better be active on Twitter and have your issues properly framed for that platform. Today, social media accelerates reactions by elected officials and regulators to critical cultural, social, and legal developments in California and across the United States. Issues only go “viral” on social media platforms.

There is no better way to quickly frame public opinion or push back on legislative issues you care about than utilizing social media platforms and digital advocacy tools. These tools are also being used to draw more attention to public agencies and their regulatory overreaches making it easier to change bad regs or stop them altogether.

The Sheehy Strategy Group understands how to leverage digital tools to persuade and move elected officials to your point of view. We can help you create content, manage issues and push back on hostile initiatives utilizing both “traditional” face-to-face lobbying as well as a full suite of digital advocacy tools to put you in the issue driver’s seat.

For more information, see Digital Advocacy Services.

Need help dealing with California lawmakers or regulators? Contact us for a free consultation or for information on proposals to represent you.