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Tom Sheehy Testifies on Single Payer Health Care at the State Capitol in Sacramento.

Tom Sheehy testifies on Single Payer Healthcare in California Assembly Health Committee Wednesday Apri l24, 2024 at the State Capitol in Sacramento.

Testifying on behalf of the California Landscape Contractors Association in Sacramento at the Assembly Health Committee this week on AB 2200 single payer health care. 

Single payer healthcare in California is a REALLY BAD IDEA.  Do you want a bureaucracy like the DMV or EDD to make your doctor appointments and determine when and if you can get that surgery? Do you really want the government being in charge of every aspect of your personal care? 

 Think about it. 

AB 2200 is another dangerous attempt by a progressive legislator to terminate the private care system in this state.  It would result in MASSIVE tax increases and we all know how efficiently the government handles our tax dollars…

 Just say “no” to socialized medicine. 

 #caleg #cabudget #cagov #ab2200