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Brena Sheehy Testifying on Facial Recognition Technology in Assembly Privacy Committee

Brena Sheehy testifying in the Assembly Privacy & Consumer Protection Committee today on Assemblyman Ting’s AB 1814 concerning facial recognition technology (FRT) and law enforcement. 

Across the country, real-world examples of law enforcement using FRT to solve major crimes showcases just how important this new technology can be towards protecting our communities. In North America alone, FRT has been used in 40,000 human trafficking cases, helping rescue 15,000 children and identify 17,000 traffickers. In Detroit, law enforcement was successful in identifying a gunman who targeted and murdered three LGBTQ victims. In 2018, another gunman who killed five employees at a newspaper headquarters in Maryland was identified using FRT. And in New York, FRT was used to identify a perpetrator within 24-hrs of kidnapping and raping a young woman; and in a separate instance, a suspected subway bomber was identified through FRT.

#caleg #cagov #privacy #ab1814