
Firm Updates and Announcements

End of Session Count Down and Legislative Timelines

My partner and fellow lobbyist, Brena Sheehy, and I are seen here getting ready for the last big legislative push in August by getting some R&R to recharge and prep for the mad dash to the finish line. 

Amalfi Coast, Italy in July 2024.

The California Legislature resumes action on Monday, August 5th and will go all the way through till midnight on Friday August 30th. The first two weeks of August will primarily revolve around the fiscal committees in the Senate and Assembly while the last two weeks in August will be almost exclusively floor action by the Legislature as it finishes up work on those bills still trying to make it to the Governor’s desk.

September 30th  is the last day for the Governor to sign or veto bills passed by the Legislature and in his possession before September 1st.  Bills signed by the Governor will become law on January 1st, 2025. Urgency, tax and budget-related measures go into effect immediately upon being signed. In those cases, the date the Governor signed the bill is noted.

It will be fast-paced, and there will surely be surprises along the way that nobody saw coming. Then we will see a large turnover in the Legislature after the November 2024 elections.  We anticipate a minimum of 30 new Members to be sworn in to office in early December. That is a lot of change coming at us here at the State Capitol.

 Stay tuned!