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Posts tagged Greenhouse gas
Will CARB Regulations Result In A CA Air Conditioner Trash Heap?

The California Air Resources Board (CARB), an agency within Cal-EPA, is tasked with developing and implementing regulations and strategies to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) 40% below 1990 levels by the year 2030. They have broad regulatory power to implement rules and regulations in order to meet this mandate granted by AB 32 in 2006 and then SB 32 in 2016. Legislation (SB 1013) by then state senator Ricardo Lara requires CARB to initiate an aggressive hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) reduction program as part of its fight on short-lived, but highly powerful, climate pollutants.

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Will California Ban New Natural Gas Appliance Installations Across the State?

Most Californians LOVE their gas stove, furnace and other gas appliances. Why? Because they perform superbly, are economical and there are hundreds of models to choose from in the marketplace. However, if California regulators at the Cal-EPA and Air Resources Board get their way, gas appliance may become a thing of the past in California.

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